What is Missionary Aviation? Why is the helicopter and airplane a Need?


 Expanding the Reach of the Gospel

What do helicopters and airplanes have to do with the Great Commission?

When Jesus commanded us to “go and teach all nations” (Matthew 28:19-20) He meant “all nations, kindred, people, and tongues” (Revelation 7:9-10)

There are millions of people living in locations like this one, hidden or forgotten by the outside world, but they are not hidden nor forgotten by their Creator.


When Jesus breathed His last, He said, “It is finished”. He finished paying not only for our sins, but those of these Hupla people and all other tribes all over the world living in isolation, cutoff from the outside world. These are the people who are deprived of the gospel and the opportunity of knowing who their Creator is, if we don’t face the barriers of isolation and language to fulfill the Mandate God set before His people.

It is my passion to help missionaries reach into the darkness, to the secluded people of the world, to share with them the Good News of what Jesus Christ accomplished for them on the cross.

In order to do this, missionaries must learn a language that may never have been learned before and put that language into a written form, with the ultimate goal of translating God’s word into a language and format they clearly understand. In many cases, this process of learning the language, translating God’s Word, and teaching the Bible foundationally from Genesis to Revelation can take up to 25-30 years. What a commitment!

So how do these missionaries get back and forth into these remotely located people groups?

Many of these places have no roads or road structure nearby, so the only way into the jungle is by foot or dugout canoe.

This is where God is using the helicopter and airplane to effectively speed up the work of sharing Christ with remote people groups. What took days and weeks of strenuous and even treacherous travel by ground and canoe can now be done in minutes or hours by air.

I look forward to using the dreams and gifts God has given me for His glory to help missionaries get this most Important Message into the hands of the “forgotten people”.