Expanding the Reach of the Gospel

Praise the Lord!

Rental House

August 31st, I started renting with Trey Franks(Maintenance Technician at Harvest) in the small southern town of Wauchula.

Rental House in WauchulaThe small 720sqft house is pretty much perfect, except it does not have a dishwasher. (Yes, I plan to take a dishwasher with me to the far ends of the earth). It suits us two quite well, very happy with it.

Inside of Rental House In Wauchula. 720 SqFtThe house is located across the street from Wauchula Hospital. The Bay-Flight Med Helicopters land on a grass patch about 100ft from my bedroom window. On takeoff, when I open my bedroom window, I get the rotor wash wind blown into my bedroom. Yes, I like that.



Ronny Erekson’s family, (Ronny is Harvest’s senior maintenance technician who is our only maintenance instructor), has been going through challenges. In September, Ronny’s wife was unexpectedly diagnosed with stage four cancer in her lungs and chest, after having received medical attention from major headaches. She is on the road to recovery! Her blood type falls in the 3% of cancer victims who are eligible to receive special pills that kill cancer cells, which means she does not need to receive radiation treatment and chemo therapy. Praise the Lord for His goodness to the Erekson family! During this time, Ronny, our instructor was doing his duties of caring for his wife, so he was not in the hanger instructing Trey Franks and myself on what and how to do the maintenance projects. It was a difficult time for all of us at Harvest, but we thank the Lord that things are looking up and getting better for the Erekson family and Harvest.


Belize Flight

October 23rd I flew on a Missionary Supply Flight to Belize. There was extra room in the airplane, so I had the opportunity to sit in the 3rd seat and learn from the two pilot’s in front of me on how to fly an IFR International Flight.

5:00am: Departed Wauchula loaded with supplies. 6:10am: Arrived in Key West to refuel. 6:40am: Departed Key West with full fuel to hop the 700 mile pond. 10:35am Arrived in Belize City and unloaded supplies.

In Route on a Belize Flight

The missionaries came to the airport to pick-up the supplies so we never left the airport grounds in Belize. Jonathan Charlesworth, who is a Belizean missionary serving at Hopewell that is located near Belize City, came to receive most of the supplies for the other missionaries. Upon meeting him, I asked him if he knew my grandparents, who have had interaction through serving in Belize for 50 years as missionaries. Right away he knew who I was talking about. That was the highlight of the trip for me.

In Belize with Missionary Jonathan Charlesworth

12:25pm: Departed Belize City. 4:15pm: Arrived in Key West for fuel and to clear customs. 5:00pm: Departed Key West. 6:15pm Arrived in Wauchula.


Good News!

As of last week, God has supplied the finances through His servants for my Pilot Instrument Rating! Praise the Lord for answered prayers! This is big! This will now allow me to start my needed Instrument flight training and go completely through the coarse! I am very excited to continue pilot training and see more progress!

Yesterday, Eddie Roberts, who is a new member of Harvest, flew out to Harvest’s hanger to discuss flight training with Trey Franks and myself. With Eddie joining Harvest, that in itself is an answer to prayer! He is our one and only flight instructor. It will be a great blessing to have Eddie as a flight instructor because of his vast experience in aviation. He is now retired, but walks away with experience as a Certified Flight Instructor, Instrument Flight Instructor, Multi-Engine Flight Instructor, Flight Dispatcher for Airtran and as an Air Traffic Controller. He has much knowledge that I will be able to learn from.

Eddie and I will start Instrument Flight Training as soon as Harvest’s Trainer Aircraft is ready. The trainer aircraft is in need of one of it’s Communication Radios and the VOR/LOC/Glideslope Indicator(a flight instrument to fly in clouds and land without reference to looking outside of aircraft) to be repaired.  This is the only obstacle standing in the way of continuing pilot training.


Thank you

I am super blessed to have such a faithful team of prayer and financial supporters behind me! I do not take it for granted that God has put this amazing team together! It is one of my confirmations that I am in God’s will! God continues to strengthen my faith in Him repeatedly when He amazes me with His perfect plan, timing and clear direction.  I thank God for you!


Praise God For

  1. God’s way of providing financially for flight training and His clear and faithful leading hand.
  2. Healing Progress of Ronny’s wife Denise with cancer.
  3. Donated twin engine aircraft to Harvest that will be used for Belize flights.

Prayer Requests

  1. Ronny Erekson’s wife Denise for healing of cancer.
  2. Direction for Harvest Aviation.
  3. God’s leading in knowing if I should buy into an aircraft for flight training to reduce flight training cost.
  4. More opportunities for me to get into the pilot’s seat for the Belize flights to gain experience.



  1. Susie

    Wow! So encouraging to hear how God is working!

    • wingsofhopealoft

      Amen Susie! To God be all Glory and Honor!

  2. Carroll Hochstetler

    So exciting and love to hear updates . Will continue to pray for you. Joshua leaves for Ireland on December 3 ….love you …

    • wingsofhopealoft

      Greatly appreciate the prayers Carroll! Oh yes, that’s right. Excited for him. Wow, a lot of adjustments for your family. Hope and pray they are going smooth!

  3. Anonymous

    I loved reading your update! So great to hear all about it. Take care! Love and prayers

    • Anonymous

      Haha… I forgot to sign off 🙂
      ~your aunt Ruth and uncle Tim

      • wingsofhopealoft

        Thanks for the encouragement, Ruth!

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